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Rakurakusha Co., Ltd.
Corporate Philosophy
-Connecting Japanese culture and the world and contributing to the development and peace of the world through each business
We were established with the purpose of "visiting the aesthetic space of a thousand years and inviting you to the depths of Kyoto", and now we are cooperating with partners in each department, from travel and training to Japan, purchasing paintings and fine arts, to real estate. We provide support for investment, company establishment, emigration, visa acquisition, etc.
One of the strengths of Rakurakusha is that we can respond to individual inquiries from customers together with partners in each specialized field in Japan. We place the highest priority on building long-term relationships of trust with our customers, and we will respond with a success fee . We also support Japanese, Chinese, and English languages.
With our head office in Osaka and our branch office in Kyoto, we are developing our business in collaboration with networks in Asian countries, China, Hong Kong and other overseas cities.

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